
Premium status: We only delete files that have not been accessed for 90 days AND only if you have not logged in for more than 30 days.

If you log in regularly, we will not delete any files.

Furthermore, we delete all files that have not been displayed for 500 days, regardless of the login date.

Account Balance: Please note that we only allow a maximum credit of 100 USD!

Therefore, request your payouts on time. A later payment or reimbursement is NOT possible!


高級狀態:我們僅刪除 90 天未訪問的文件,並且僅在您未登錄超過 30 天的情況下刪除。


此外,無論登錄日期如何,我們都會刪除所有 500 天未顯示的文件。

賬戶餘額:請注意,我們只允許最高 100 美元的信用額度!

因此,請按時要求您的付款。 以後付款或報銷是不可能的!


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